Ο Νέλσον Μαντέλα ήταν
μέλος του παράνομου Νοτιοαφρικανικού Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος, SACP, και αυτό ήταν κάτι που κρατούσε
μυστικό, πέραν της παρανομίας, αλλα και για να αποφύγει
προστριβές με τις δυτικές χώρες, κινδυνεύοντας να
να αποσύρουν αυτές την εξαιρετικά σημαντική οικονομική τους στήριξη στο Εθνικό
Αφρικανικό Κογκρέσο.
Ήταν ενεργό μέλος του SACP τουλάχιστον από την δεκαετία του
1950 μέχρι τις αρχές της δεκαετίας 1960, όπου και έγραψε το χειρόγραφο
εγχειρίδιο με τίτλο “HOW TO BE A GOOD COMMUNIST”, (“Πώς Να Γίνεις Ένας Καλός Κομμουνιστής”).
Ολόκληρο το κείμενο μπορείτε να το διαβάσετε στο τέλος της
ανάρτησης του LEFTeria-news.
Επίσης μπορείτε να το κατεβάσετε δωρεάν από την ιστοσελίδα
του γνωστου βιβλιοπωλείου Barnes and Noble.
Αν διαβάσετε κακεντρεχή σχόλια, απλά αγνοήστε τα, καθώς στην
βαθιά αντικομμουνιστική Λευκή Ν.Αφρική, το συγκεκριμένο κείμενο χρησιμοποιήθηκε
για να χτυπηθεί ο Μαντέλα ως “Κομμουνιστης Τρομοκράτης”.
Την εποχή που γράφτηκε το εγχειρίδιο, η παγκόσμια κοινότητα είχε αρχίσει να ασχολείται εντονα με το Απαρτχάιντ, αλλα και με τον παράνομο τότε, Νέλσον Μαντέλα.
Κάπου εκεί, το 1961, κυνηγημένος ακόμη, έδωσε ο Μαντέλα την πρώτη του τηλεοπτική συνέντευξη στο ΙΤΝ.
Όμως αυτό το κείμενο τα αγκάλιασε η Μαύρη Νότια Αφρική, που
έδωσε και τα περισσότερα μέλη στο Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα και στις υπόλοιπες
Αριστερές Οργανώσεις.
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
Ένας Κομμουνιστής είναι μέλος του Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος,
που κατανοεί και αποδέχεται τη θεωρία και την πρακτική του
μαρξισμού-λενινισμού, όπως την εξήγησαν οι Μαρξ, Ένγκελς, Λένιν και Στάλιν, και
ο οποίος υποβάλλει τον εαυτό του στην πειθαρχία του Κόμματος.
Ο στόχος του Κομμουνισμού είναι μια αταξική κοινωνία
που βασίζεται στην αρχή: από τον
καθένα σύμφωνα με τις ικανότητές του και στον καθένα σύμφωνα με τις ανάγκες του. Ο στόχος είναι να αλλάξει ο σημερινός κόσμος σε έναν Κομμουνιστικό κόσμο, όπου δεν θα υπάρχουν εκμεταλλευτές και εκμεταλευόμενοι, ούτε
καταπιεστές και καταπιεσμένοι,
ούτε πλουσίοι και φτωχοί. Οι Κομμουνιστές παλεύουν για ένα κόσμο όπου δεν θα υπάρχει ανεργία, δεν θα υπάρχει φτώχεια και πείνα, αρρώστια και άγνοια. Σε έναν τέτοιο κόσμο δεν θα υπάρχουν καπιταλιστές, ούτε ιμπεριαλιστές, ούτε φασίστες. Δεν θα υπάρχουν ούτε αποικίες, ούτε πολέμοι.
Στη χώρα μας, οι αγώνες των
καταπιεσμένων ανθρώπων καθοδηγούνται
από το Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα
και εμπνέονται από τις πολιτικές του.
Ο στόχος του Κ.Κ.Ν.Α. είναι να νικήσει
την εθνικιστική κυβέρνηση και να ελευθερώσει το λαό της Νότιας Αφρικής
από τα δεινά των φυλετικών
διακρίσεων και της εκμετάλλευσης και
να οικοδομήσουμε μια αταξική ή σοσιαλιστική κοινωνία
στην οποία η γη, τα ορυχεία,
τα εργοστάσια, μας.
. . . . . . (δυσανάγνωστο)
Κάτω από μια κυβέρνηση του Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος, η Νότια Αφρική θα γίνει μια χώρα που θα ρέει μέλι και γάλα. Πολιτικά, οικονομικά και κοινωνικά δικαιώματα, θα πάψουν να τα απολαμβάνουν μόνο οι λευκοί. Θα μοιράζονται ισότιμα μεταξύ λευκών και μη-λευκών. Θα υπάρχει αρκετή γη και σπίτια για όλους. Δεν θα υπάρχει ανεργία, πείνα και ασθένειες.
Οι εργαζόμενοι θα κερδίζουν αξιοπρεπείς μισθούς. Οι Μεταφορές θα είναι φθηνές και θα υπάρχει δωρεάν εκπαίδευση.
Δεν θα υπάρχουν pass laws, ούτε Influx control, (ΣτΜ. Pass Laws ήταν ένα νομικό σύστημα ελέγχου, σε μορφή εσωτερικού διαβατηρίου σχεδιασμένο για να διαχωρίζει τον πληθυσμό. Influx Control ονομάστηκαν τα μέτρα που χρησιμοποιούνταν για τη ρύθμιση της εισροής των μαύρων Αφρικανών σε αστικές περιοχές της Νότιας Αφρικής), ούτε επιδρομές της Αστυνομίας για πάσο και κεφαλικούς φόρους, και οι Αφρικανοί, οι Ευρωπαίοι, οι Έγχρωμοι και οι Ινδιάνοι, θα ζουν σε ειρήνη και τη τέλεια φυλετική ισότητα.
Λίγο παρακάτω ο Μαντέλα αναφέρεται στην αυτοκαλλιέργεια του Κομμουνιστή.
Η διαδικασία της αυτο - Καλλιέργειας
Η διαδικασία της αυτο-καλλιέργειας περιλαμβάνει δύο στοιχεία :
( α) Να χαλυβδώσει πρακτικά τον αγώνα του καταπιεσμένου λαού , και
( β ) η καλλιέργεια των ιδεών του.
Ο Μαντέλα εξηγεί ότι για να γίνεις επαναστατικός κομμουνιστής δεν φτάνει να κατανοείς και να αποδέχεσαι τη θεωρία του μαρξισμού - λενινισμού . Επιπλέον , πρέπει να λαμβάνεις πρακτικά μέρος στους αγώνες αγώνες του λαού ενάντια στην καταπίεση και την εκμετάλλευση . Kαι γράφει χαρακτηριστικά:
“ Ένα πρόσωπο που έχει απομονωθεί από τους αγώνες του λαού , όσο βαθιά γνώση της μαρξιστικής θεωρίας μπορεί να έχει , δεν είναι Κομμουνιστής επαναστάτης”.
Ο Μαντέλα έδινε μεγάλο βάρος στην μελέτη της μαρξιστικής φιλοσοφίας.
Η συμμετοχή
στους μαζικούς αγώνες δεν θα επιτρέψει σε ένα
μέλος του κόμματος να αυξήσει τις
επαναστατικές του ικανότητες, ούτε θα τον βοηθήσει να κατανοήσει τους στόχους της ανάπτυξης της κοινωνίας και των νόμων της επανάστασης.
Η πρόοδος των επαναστατικών ικανοτήτων
και η γνώση των νόμων της
κοινωνικής ανάπτυξης και των νόμων της επανάστασης θα πρέπει
να επιτευχθεί με μια λεπτομερή
κατανόηση του νοήματος του μαρξισμού.
Επομένως, είναι
απολύτως επιτακτική ανάγκη για όλα τα μέλη του κόμματος να κάνουν μια σοβαρή μελέτη της μαρξιστικής φιλοσοφίας.
Μόνο με αυτόν τον τρόπο τα μέλη του κόμματος θα γίνουν
πιο πρωτοπόροι επαναστάτες..
Ο σκοπός της μελέτης μαρξιστικής φιλοσοφίας είναι να μας δώσει τη δυνατότητα να κατευθύνουμε πιο αποτελεσματικά τους επαναστατικούς, μαζικούς, αγώνες.
Ο σκοπός της μελέτης μαρξιστικής φιλοσοφίας είναι να μας δώσει τη δυνατότητα να κατευθύνουμε πιο αποτελεσματικά τους επαναστατικούς, μαζικούς, αγώνες.
Για να το πω με λίγα
λόγια, ο μαρξισμός είναι ένας
οδηγός για δράση.
Τα μέλη του
Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος πρέπει να αναλάβουν την αυτο-καλλιέργεια τους, είτε είναι νέα μέλη
του Κόμματος είτε παλιά, είτε είναι εργαζόμενοι, αγρότες, επιχειρηματίες, μπιζνεσμεν ή διανοούμενοι, και εάν διεξάγουν δύσκολες ή εύκολες επαναστατικές μαζικές καμπάνιες. Στην νίκη ή στην ήττα
Τι θα πρέπει όμως κατά τον Νέλσον Μαντέλα, να διαθέτει ένας
αληθινός Κομμουνιστής;
Ένας αληθινός Κομμουνιστής πρέπει να διαθέτει τα ακόλουθα χαρακτηριστικά: ¬
Θα πρέπει να
διαθέτει πολύ καλή κομμουνιστική
Μπορεί να δείχνει
την αγάπη και την αφοσίωση του σε
όλους τους συντρόφους του,
τους επαναστάτες και τους εργαζόμενους,
να τους βοηθάει άνευ όρων, να
τους φέρεται με ισότητα και ποτέ να μη βλάπτει κάποιον από αυτούς
Προσπαθεί πάντα
να κάνει περισσότερη επαναστατική
δουλειά από τους άλλους και να
αγωνίζεται πιο σκληρά. Σε καιρούς αντίξοους ξεχωρίζει με θάρρος και χωρίς δισταγμό, και μπροστά στις δυσκολίες, επιδεικνύει το
μεγαλύτερο αίσθημα ευθύνης. Είναι σε θέση να αντισταθεί
στη διαφθορά από τα πλούτη
ή τις τιμητικές διακρίσεις, να αντισταθεί στην τάση να ταλαντεύεται, παρά τη
φτώχεια και να αρνείται να υποκύψει, παρά τις απειλές βίας.
Διαθέτει το μεγαλύτερο θάρρος. Μπορεί να δει τα λάθη και τις αδυναμίες του και έχει αρκετή
δύναμη θέλησης για να τα διορθώσει.
Ανά πάσα στιγμή και κάτω από όλες τις
συνθήκες, να λέει την αλήθεια και μόνο την αλήθεια. Παλεύει
με θάρρος γι 'αυτό, ακόμη και
όταν προσωρινά βρεθεί σε
μειονεκτική θέση του για να το κάνει
(iii) Έχει μια εις βάθος κατανόηση της θεωρίας και της μεθόδου του μαρξισμού-λενινισμού. Έχει μια αντικειμενική στάση.
(iii) Έχει μια εις βάθος κατανόηση της θεωρίας και της μεθόδου του μαρξισμού-λενινισμού. Έχει μια αντικειμενική στάση.
Είναι ο πιο
ειλικρινής, ο πιο ντόμπρος
και ο πιο χαρούμενος όλων. Εκτός από τα συμφέροντα του Κόμματος και της επανάστασης που δεν έχει προσωπικές
απώλειες ή κέρδη ή άλλα πράγματα για να ανησυχεί. Ο ίδιος φροντίζει να
μην κάνει λάθος πράγματα όταν
εργάζεται ανεξάρτητα και χωρίς επίβλεψη και όταν
υπάρχει μεγάλη ευκαιρία για να
κάνει όλων των ειδών τα λάθος πράγματα.
Ο ίδιος δεν φοβάται την κριτική από τους άλλους και μπορεί με θάρρος και ειλικρίνεια να επικρίνει τους άλλους.
Ο ίδιος δεν φοβάται την κριτική από τους άλλους και μπορεί με θάρρος και ειλικρίνεια να επικρίνει τους άλλους.
Κατέχει τον υψηλότερο αυτοσεβασμό και αυτοεκτίμηση. Για το συμφέρον του κόμματος και της επανάστασης, μπορεί επίσης να είναι ο πιο επιεικής, ο πιο ανεκτικός και ο πιο έτοιμος να συμβιβαστεί και ο ίδιος και να αντέξει ακόμα, αν χρειαστεί, διάφορες μορφές ταπείνωσης και αδικίας, χωρίς να αισθάνεται πόνο ή μνησικακία.
Κατέχει τον υψηλότερο αυτοσεβασμό και αυτοεκτίμηση. Για το συμφέρον του κόμματος και της επανάστασης, μπορεί επίσης να είναι ο πιο επιεικής, ο πιο ανεκτικός και ο πιο έτοιμος να συμβιβαστεί και ο ίδιος και να αντέξει ακόμα, αν χρειαστεί, διάφορες μορφές ταπείνωσης και αδικίας, χωρίς να αισθάνεται πόνο ή μνησικακία.
Το Κομμουνιστικό
Κόμμα δεν αντιπροσωπεύει μόνο τα συμφέροντα των μεμονωμένων μελών του Κόμματος, αλλά και τα πλατιά
συμφέροντα ολόκληρου του σώματος των
εργαζομένων και της χειραφέτησης της ανθρωπότητας. Το Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα δεν έχει άλλα συμφέροντα και στόχους.
Το Κόμμα
δεν πρέπει να θεωρηθεί ως μια στενή μικρή ομάδα σαν
μια συντεχνία που επιδιώκει μόνο τα προσωπικά
συμφέροντα των μελών της.
Όποιος κατέχει μια τέτοια άποψη δεν είναι Κομμουνιστής.
Ένα μέλος του Κόμματός μας δεν είναι πλέον απλώς ένα συνηθισμένο άτομο. Είναι ένας συνειδητός πρωτοπόρος μαχητής της εργατικής τάξης. Θα πρέπει να αποδείξει ότι είναι ένας ζώντας
εκπρόσωπος των συμφερόντων και της
ιδεολογίας της εργατικής τάξης. Θα
πρέπει επιμελώς να συγχωνεύσει
τα προσωπικά του συμφέροντα και τους
στόχους του με το γενικό συμφέρον
και τους στόχους του Κόμματος και της εργατικής τάξης.
Ένας επαναστατικός Κομμουνιστής έχει τα προσωπικά του συμφέροντα και το Κόμμα δεν θα πρέπει ούτε να εξαλείψει την προσωπικότητά του,
ούτε να εμποδίζει την προσωπική του ανάπτυξη, εφ 'όσον αυτά δεν έρχονται
σε σύγκρουση με τα συμφέροντα του
Αυτό είναι ό, τι εννοείται ως άνευ όρων υπαγωγή του προσωπικού συμφέροντος του μέλος του κόμματος στα συμφέροντα του Κόμματος.
Αυτό είναι ό, τι εννοείται ως άνευ όρων υπαγωγή του προσωπικού συμφέροντος του μέλος του κόμματος στα συμφέροντα του Κόμματος.
Τα ακόλουθα είναι διάφορα είδη στάσεων
απέναντι σε ανεπιθύμητα πράγματα στο κόμμα: ¬
(i) Να
βλέπει τα λάθη και τα ελαττώματα του Κόμματος και να τα μεγεθύνει
για να υπονομεύσει το Κόμμα. Αυτή είναι η στάση των κατασκόπων και παρόμοιων στοιχείων μέσα στο κόμμα.
(ii) Μερικοί άνθρωποι θεωρούν ότι η ύπαρξη τυχόν λαθών και προβλημάτων στο κόμμα είναι προς όφελός τους και σκόπιμα βοηθούν στη διάδοσή τους και κάνουν χρήση αυτών. Αυτή είναι η στάση που υιοθετήθηκε από τους οπορτουνιστές και παρόμοια στοιχεία μέσα στο Κόμμα.
(iii) Να
αφήσει αυτά τα σφάλματα και τα ελαττώματα
ανενόχλητα αντί να αγωνιστεί
εναντίον τους. Αυτή είναι η πορεία που ακολουθείται από τα μέλη που έχουν μια αδύναμη
αίσθηση του καθήκοντος προς το
Κόμμα και οι οποίοι έχουν γραφειοκρατικές τάσεις.
(iv) Να υποθάλπουν το βίαιο μίσος απέναντι σε σφάλματα και ελαττώματα και προς τα μέλη του Κόμματος των οποίων η πολιτική άποψη είναι εσφαλμένη. Πιστεύουν στους σκληρούς αγώνες μεταξύ των μελών του Κόμματος και απομακρύνουν τους συντρόφους τους με το παραμικρό πρόσχημα. Αυτή είναι η μέθοδος που χρησιμοποιείται από τους συντρόφους στο Κόμμα που δεν κατανοούν σωστά τις μεθόδους για τη διόρθωση λαθών και αδυναμιών μεταξύ των συντρόφων
Όλες αυτές οι συμπεριφορές είναι λανθασμένες και επικίνδυνες και θα πρέπει να αποφεύγονται επιμελώς από τους Κομμουνιστές. Η δική μας στάση είναι η εξής: -
(i) Πρέπει πρώτα να αναλύσουμε την κατάσταση πιο προσεκτικά και να αποφασίσουμε ποιές απόψεις είναι σωστές και ποιες από αυτές είναι λανθασμένες και επικίνδυνες για το Κόμμα. Μόλις είμαστε πεπεισμένοι για την ορθή γνώμη μας, την κρατάμε σταθερά μέχρι το τέλος και δεν έχει σημασία πόσο ισχυρή είναι η αντιπολίτευση και πόσο μεγάλη επιρροή έχουν τα άτομα που υποστηρίζουν την αντίθετη άποψη.
(ii) Να
αναλύσουμε προσεκτικά την κατάσταση
και έχοντας αποφασίσει ποια είναι η σωστή γνώμη, τότε
να εστιάσουμε την προσοχή μας στην
προώθηση και την ανάπτυξη της
σωστής άποψης. Ποτέ δεν επιτρέπουμε στον εαυτό μας να επηρεάζεται από
μια λανθασμένη άποψη.
(iii) Οι Κομμουνιστές είναι άνθρωποι της δράσης. Κατά την προώθηση και ανάπτυξη της σωστής άποψης, καταπολεμούμε επίσης ενεργά όλα τα ανεπιθύμητα πράγματα στη ζωή. Ένα μέλος του κόμματος που φοβάται τη δράση και τον σκληρό αγώνα, όσο λαμπρό κσι να είναι, δεν μπορεί ποτέ να είναι ένας επαναστατικός Κομμουνιστής. Ένας Κομμουνιστής πρέπει πάντα και υπό όλες τις συνθήκες, είναι έτοιμος και πρόθυμος να διεξάγει ενεργό αγώνα εναντίον όλων των μορφών αντίδρασης.
(iv) Αν
και ένας Κομμουνιστής
ποτέ δεν συμβιβάζεται σε ζητήματα
αρχής, ποτέ όμως δεν υιοθετεί μια άκαμπτη και μηχανική συμπεριφορά στις
μεθόδους του αγώνα. Ο στόχος είναι πάντα να
μεταρρυθμίσει και να εκπαιδεύσει αυτούς
τους συντρόφους που εξακολουθούν
να έχουν μη-Κομμουνιστικές
(v) Η εξάλειψη των ανεπιθύμητων τάσεων στο Κόμμα και η οικοδόμηση των επαναστατικών ικανοτήτων στα μέλη μας ενισχύει την πειθαρχία και το κύρος του Κόμματος. Αυτά τα μέλη του κόμματος που δεν ανταποκρίνονται στην πλέον υπομονετική πειθώ και στις προσπάθειες για να εκπαιδευτούν και να μεταρρυθμιστούν, θα πρέπει να διαγράφονται από το Κόμμα.
Όπως αναφέρεται στην αρχή αυτής της σειράς, ο Κομμουνιστής είναι ένα μέλος του Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος,
που κατανοεί και αποδέχεται τη θεωρία
και την πρακτική του μαρξισμού-λενινισμού, όπως ερμηνεύθηκε από τους Μαρξ, Ένγκελς, Λένιν
και Στάλιν, και ο οποίος υποβάλλει τον εαυτό του στην πειθαρχία του Κόμματος. Ένας καλός
Κομμουνιστής ως εκ τούτου, είναι αυτός που:
(i) Είναι μέλος του Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος, που είναι απολύτως πιστό και αφοσιωμένο στο Κόμμα, που υπακούει ασυζητητί όλους τους κανόνες και τους κανονισμούς του Κόμματος και ο οποίος εκτελεί όλες τις οδηγίες που εξέδωσε το Κόμμα.
Έχει μελετήσει
λεπτομερώς τα έργα των Μαρξ,
Ένγκελς, Λένιν και Στάλιν,
που τα αντιλαμβάνεται με σαφήνεια και
που ξέρει πώς να πραγματοποιήσει τις διδασκαλίες τους στους αγώνες του λαού για να νικήσουμε τον καπιταλισμό και όλες
τις μορφές εκμετάλλευσης.
(iii) αφιερώνει όλο το χρόνο του σε ένα πράγμα και ένα πράγμα μόνο, στον αγώνα ενάντια στον καπιταλισμό και για ένα Κομμουνιστικό κόσμο.
(iv) Στις σχέσεις του με τους συντρόφους στο Κόμμα πάντα εμπνέεται από αγάπη και ειλικρινή φιλία και την επιθυμία να είναι χρήσιμος.
(v) είναι ειλικρινής και ευθυτενής και είναι έτοιμος να υπερασπιστεί την αλήθεια, ανά πάσα στιγμή και κάτω από όλες τις συνθήκες.
(iii) αφιερώνει όλο το χρόνο του σε ένα πράγμα και ένα πράγμα μόνο, στον αγώνα ενάντια στον καπιταλισμό και για ένα Κομμουνιστικό κόσμο.
(iv) Στις σχέσεις του με τους συντρόφους στο Κόμμα πάντα εμπνέεται από αγάπη και ειλικρινή φιλία και την επιθυμία να είναι χρήσιμος.
(v) είναι ειλικρινής και ευθυτενής και είναι έτοιμος να υπερασπιστεί την αλήθεια, ανά πάσα στιγμή και κάτω από όλες τις συνθήκες.
Αυτός είναι
ένας καλός Κομμουνιστής.
Στις τελευταίες σελίδες του εγχειριδίου, ο Nelson Mandela, αναφέρεται
εκτενώς στον Διαλεκτικό Υλισμό, στην Διαλεκτική Μέθοδο, στον Υλισμό και στη Θεωρία
της Πολιτικής Οικονομίας.
Μετάφραση – Απόδοση αποσπασμάτων: LEFTeria-news
VIDEO. ITN 1961. Η πρώτη τηλεοπτική συνέντευξη του παράνομου
τότε, Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela
A Communist is a member of
the Communist Party who understands and accepts the theory and practice of
Marxism-Leninism as explained by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin , and who
subjects himself to the discipline of the Party.The goal of Communism is a classless society based on the principle: from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs. The aim is to change the present world into a Communist world where there will be no exploiters and no exploited, no oppressor and oppressed, no rich and no poor. Communists fight for a world where there will be no unemployment, no poverty and starvation, disease and ignorance. In such a world there will be no capitalists, no imperialists, no fascists. There will be neither colonies nor wars.
In our own country, the struggles of the oppressed people are guided by the South African Communist Party and inspired by its policies. The aim of the S.A.C.P. is to defeat the Nationalist government and to free the people of South Africa from the evils of racial discrimination and exploitation and to build a classless or socialist society in which the land, the mines, the mills, our . . . . . . . (unreadable)
The goal of Communism is a classless society based on the principle: from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs. The aim is to change the present world into a Communist world where there will be no exploiters and no exploited, no oppressor and oppressed, no rich and no poor. Communists fight for a world where there will be no unemployment, no poverty and starvation, disease and ignorance. In such a world there will be no capitalists, no imperialists, no fascists. There will be neither colonies nor wars.
In our own country, the struggles of the oppressed people are guided by the South African Communist Party and inspired by its policies. The aim of the S.A.C.P. is to defeat the Nationalist government and to free the people of South Africa from the evils of racial discrimination and exploitation and to build a classless or socialist society in which the land, the mines, the mills, our . . . . . . . (unreadable)
Under a Communist Party Government South Africa will become a land of milk and honey. Political, economic and social rights will cease to be enjoyed by Whites only. They will be shared equally by Whites and Non-Whites. There will be enough land and houses for all. There will be no unemployment, starvation and disease.
Workers will earn decent wages; transport will be cheap and education free. There will be no pass laws, no influx control, no Police raids for passes and poll tax, and Africans, Europeans, Coloureds and Indians will live in racial peace and perfect equality.
The victory of Socialism in the U.S.S.R., in the Peoples Republic of China, in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and Rumania, where the living conditions of the people were in many respects similar and even worse than ours, proves that we too can achieve this important goal.
Communists everywhere fight to destroy capitalist society and to replace it with Socialism, where the masses of the common people, irrespective of race or colour, will live in complete equality, freedom and happiness. They seek to revolutionise society and are thus called revolutionaries. Those who support capitalism with its class divisions and other evils and who oppose our just struggles to end oppression are called counter revolutionaries.
Comrade Liu
Hao Schi, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,
Communist Party members are the most advanced revolutionaries in modern history
and are the contemporary fighting and driving force in changing society and the
world. Revolutionaries exist because counter-revolutionaries still exist. Therefore,
to conduct a ceaseless struggle against the counter-revolutionaries constitutes
an essential condition for the existence and development of revolutionaries. If
they fail to carry on such a struggle, they cannot be called revolutionaries
and still less can they advance and develop. It is in the course of this …
[that] ... members change society, change the world and at the same time change
To succeed
in conducting a ceaseless struggle against the counter-revolutionaries, and to
be able to play the vital role of being the most advanced revolutionary and
driving force in changing society and the world, one must put all else aside
and seriously and faithfully undertake self-cultivation.
The process of self-cultivation
involves two elements:
(a) One’s steeling in the practical struggle of
the oppressed people, and
(b) the cultivation of one’s ideas.
To become the most advanced communist
revolutionary, it is not enough to understand and accept the theory of
Marxism-Leninism. In addition, one must take part in the practical struggles of
the people against oppression and exploitation. A person who is isolated from
the people’s struggles, an arm-chair politician however deep his knowledge of
Marxist theory might be, is not a communist revolutionary.
It is only in the course of such practical
struggles that one’s advancement and development is stimulated, that one
acquires the necessary experience to guide the masses of the people in their
political battles and the art and skill of being a driving force in changing
society and the world. It is precisely for this reason that SACP requires its
members to participate fully and without reservations in such issues as the
Anti-Pass Campaigns, the struggle against Bantu Authorities, against job
reservation, the Group Areas Act and in all other mass campaigns.
By consistently taking part in such struggles,
Party members who may ……… whatsoever, gain valuable knowledge and get hardened
for the stern mass struggles that are part and parcel of the life of every
Communist revolutionary.
Participation (in) practical mass struggles
does (not) in itself enable a Party member to raise his revolutionary
qualities, nor does it help him to understand the (aims) of the development of
society and the laws of the revolution. Progress in one’s revolutionary
qualities and knowledge of the laws of social development and the laws of the
revolution will be achieved by a thorough understanding of the meaning of
It is thus absolutely imperative for all Party
members to have to make a serious study of Marxist philosophy and to master it
completely. Only in this way will Party members become the most advanced
revolutionaries. Only in this way will they advance and develop.
The aim of studying Marxist philosophy is to
enable us to direct more effectively revolutionary mass struggles. To put it in
a nutshell, Marxism is a guide to action.
Communist Party members must undertake
self-cultivation whether they are new members in the Party or old ones, whether
they are workers, peasants, businessmen, professional men or intellectuals, and
whether they are conducting difficult or easy revolutionary mass campaigns; in
victory or defeat.
Finally, self-cultivation must be imaginative
and practical, and must be used to eliminate from one’s outlook and conduct
unhealthy tendencies which local conditions may give rise to.
South Africa is a country where the Whites
dominate politically, economically and socially and where Africans, Coloureds
and Indians are treated as inferiors. It is a country torn asunder by racial
strife and where black and white chauvinism finds fertile soil in which it thrives
and where efforts and appeals for working-class solidarity very often fall on
deaf ears.
The pamphlet compiled by the S.A.C.P. to mark
the fortieth anniversary of the Communist Party of South Africa which preceded
the S.A.C.P. and which was declared illegal in 1950 correctly points out that,
in spite of all the formidable difficulties that face it, the C.P.S.A. had in
its existence brought about profound changes in the thinking and political
outlook of the oppressed people of South Africa. These achievements are being
expanded and further developed by the S.A.C.P.; the worthy successor of the
C.P.S.A. In spite of these advances, however, there is still the danger that
the historical problems and prejudices produced by capitalist society in our
country may infiltrate into our Party and influence the political outlook of
our Party members.
In cultivating their outlook, our members must
consciously strive to remove these particular weaknesses and shortcomings as
This is what we mean when we say Party members
must undertake self-cultivation
At the beginning of these lectures, we defined
a communist as a member of the Communist Party who understands and accepts the
theory and practice of Marxism, Leninism as explained by Marx, Engels, Lenin
and Stalin.
Any person may become a member of the Communist
Party if he accepts the Programme and Constitution of the Party, pays Party
membership fees and undertakes tasks given to him in one of the Party’s
organisations. These are called the minimum qualifications that every Party
member must possess, but every one of our members should not be content to be a
member of minimum qualifications He must strive to become a member of maximum
Every Party member should raise his
revolutionary qualities in every respect to the same level as those of Marx,
Engels, Lenin and Stalin.
Some say that it is impossible to acquire the
great qualities of revolutionary geniuses like Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin
and that it is impossible to raise our own qualities to the same level as
theirs. But as long as Party members work hard and earnestly, never allow
themselves to be isolated for one single moment from the day to day struggle of
the people, and make serious efforts to study Marxist literature, learn from
the experiences of other comrades and the masses of the people, and constantly
strive to steel and cultivate themselves, they will be perfectly able to raise
their qualities to the same level as that of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.
There are two ways of studying Marxism. One is
to learn it by heart and be able to repeat mechanically the information learnt
without being able to use this information for the purpose of solving problems.
The second is to try to master the essence, spirit and methods of Marxism. In
this second category belongs those comrades who read over and over again
Marxist literature, who pay special attention to the concrete conditions
existing in the country where they live and draw their own conclusions, their
…… activities, their attitude towards other comrades and the masses of the
people, and the whole of their lives are guided by the principles of
Marxism-Leninism and aimed at one thing - national liberation, the victory of
the working class, the liberation of mankind, the success of Communism and
nothing else.
To reach this goal calls for a supreme effort
and an iron will. It means complete dedication to the struggle for the removal
of oppression and exploitation and for lifelong dedication to the study of
Cultivation must be carried out in all aspects
in the course of the long and strenuous struggle to free the working class and
the masses of the people from capitalist exploitation. Cultivation is needed in
studying Marxism and in applying it to answer questions and to solve practical
problems, in sharpening one’s class outlook and political thinking, in shaping
one’s moral character and behaviour; in hard work and ability to withstand
hardship, in preserving the unity of the Party and conducting inner party
struggle; in loyalty to the Party and complete dedication to the cause of the
Communist Revolution.
The life of a Communist revolutionary is no bed
of roses. It consists of serious studies in Marxist literature, of hard work
and of constant participation in numerous and endless mass struggles. He has no
time for worldly pleasures and his whole life is devoted to one thing, and one
thing only, the destruction of capitalist society, the removal of all forms of
exploitation and the liberation of mankind.
A Communist revolutionary always combines
thought with practice. He studies for the sole purpose of putting into practice
what he has learnt. He regards Marxism, as ….. action and takes part fully and
without reservation in mass struggles directed by the party or by other
political organisation outside of the Party.
In South Africa, a Communist Party member must
take part in mass struggles initiated by the S.A.C.P., the Congress movement or
by other political bodies within the liberation movement.
It is commonly thought that one’s intelligence,
ability and the study of Marxist text-books are in themselves enough to enable
one to master the theory and method of Marxism-Leninism. Nothing could be
further from the truth. Dealing with this point, Liu Shao Chu says: -
“Marxism-Leninism is the science of the proletarian
revolution. It can be thoroughly understood and mastered only by those who
fully take the proletarian standpoint and who adopt the ideals of the
proletariat as their own. It is impossible for anyone to thoroughly understand
and master the Marxist science of the proletariat only by means of his
intellect and strenuous study if he lacks the firm standpoint and …. ideals of
the proletariat. This is also an obvious truth. Therefore, in studying the
theory and method of Marxism-Leninism today, it is necessary that our study
proceeds simultaneously with our ideological cultivation and steeling because
without the theory and method of Marxism-Leninism, we should have nothing to
guide our thoughts and actions and our ideological cultivation would also be impossible.
These two are closely related to each other, and are inseparable.”
We do need Communist Party members who are
highly intelligent and who have ability and who make it their business to have
a thorough understanding of Marxist theory. But a working class revolution will
be carried out successfully by those Party members who, in addition to the
characteristics mentioned above, adopt without reservation, the standpoint and
ideals of the working class.
Although they may be unable to recite quotations
from Marxist textbooks, experience shows that Party members of working class
origin have a keener interest and deeper understanding of Marxism-Leninism than
those Party members of student origin provided it is explained to them in words
they understand. In loyalty to the Party, in discipline and in the handling of
practical problems, they often prove more correct and more in conformity with
the Principles of Marxism-Leninism than others.
This is so because Party members of working
class origin have a firm and pure Communist standpoint and ideals, an objective
attitude towards things, and in their minds they have no preconceived ideas
whatsoever, and no worries about personal problems or about impure matters.
Party members who lack a firm working class outlook,
who have the habits and ….. of other classes and who have personal interests
and selfish ideas are not true Communists. As a matter of fact they very often
find that Marxist-Leninism principles will clash with their interests, and they
invariably try to distort these principles to suit their own personal interests
and prejudices.
Every Communist revolutionary must therefore,
firmly adopt the standpoint and ideology of the working class. Unless he does
this, it is not possible for him to understand the universal truth of
On Page One of this section we found out that
our aim is to change the present world into a Communist world where there will
be no exploiters and exploited, no oppressor and oppressed, no rich and poor.
We also make the point that the victory of Socialism in the U.S.S.R., in China
and other States in Asia and Eastern Europe proves that a Communist world is
capable of attainment. Moreover, since the victory of Socialism in the U.S.S.R.
in 1917, the Socialist camp has grown to become a world force with a population
of more than 1,000 million and occupying a third of the globe.
But in spite of this victorious advance, the
Communist movement still faces powerful enemies which must be crushed and wiped
out from the face of the earth before a Communist world can be realised.
Without a hard and bitter and long struggle against capitalism and
exploitation, there can be no Communist world.
The cause of Communism is the greatest cause in
the history of mankind, because it seeks to remove from society all forms of
oppression and exploitation to liberate mankind, and to ensure peace and
prosperity to all.
A Communist revolution is different from all
other revolutions in history. Whereas in other revolutions the seizure of State
Power is an end in itself, in a Communist revolution the seizure of State Power
by the working class is a means to an end, that end being the total removal of
all forms of exploitation, the liberation of mankind by building up a classless
Every Communist Party member must possess the
greatest courage and revolutionary determination and must be prepared to play
his part and carry out all political tasks without fear or hesitation.
In the struggle to transform the present world
into a Communist world, we must strive consistently to combine theory with
Finally, WE must live and develop in reality in
fighting to change the world, we must start from the very people in close
contact with us. We must thoroughly study our own situation and problems,
understand them completely and work out appropriate solutions.
A Communist Party member must subordinate his
personal interests to those of the Party. The Communist Party has no interests
of its own apart from those of the working class. Therefore, the subordination
of a Party member’s personal interests to the Party’s interests means
subordination to the interests of the working class.
We test a Communist Party member’s loyalty to
the Party, to the revolution and the Communist cause by the manner in which he
absolutely and unconditionally subordinates his interests to those of the Party
under all circumstances. To sacrifice one’s personal interests and even one’s
life without hesitation for the cause of the Party is the highest manifestation
of Communist ethics.
In the Party our members should not have
personal aims independent of the Party’s interests. The desire for personal
power and positions, individual heroism, conflict with the interests of the
Party and the working class.
A true communist should possess the following characteristics:
(i) He must
posses very good Communist ethics.
He can show love and loyalty to all his
Comrades, revolutionaries and working people, help them unconditionally, treat
them with equality and never harm any one of them.
He always tries to do more revolutionary work
than others and to fight harder. In times of adversity he will stand out
courageously and unflinchingly and, in the face of difficulties he will
demonstrate the greatest sense of responsibility. He is able to resist
corruption by riches or honours, to resist tendencies to vacillate in spite of
poverty and lowly states and to refuse to yield in spite of threats of force.
(ii) He possess(es) the greatest courage. He can
see his mistakes and shortcomings and has sufficient willpower to correct them.
At all times and under all circumstances he speaks the truth and nothing but
the truth. He courageously fights for it even when it is temporarily to his
disadvantage to do so.
He has
a thorough understanding of the theory and method of Marxism-Leninism. He has
an objective attitude.
(iv) He is the most sincere, most candid
and happiest of men. Apart from the interests of the Party and of the
revolution he has no personal losses or gains or other things to worry about.
He takes care not to do wrong things when he works independently and without
supervision and when there is ample opportunity for him to do all kinds of
wrong things.
He does not fear criticism from others and he
can courageously and sincerely criticise others.
(v) He
possesses the highest self-respect and self-esteem. For the interest of the
party and of the revolution, he can also be the most lenient, most tolerant and
most ready to compromise and he will even endure if necessary, various forms of
humiliation and injustice without feeling hurt or bearing grudges.
The Communist Party represents not only the
interests of individual Party members but also the long-range interests of the
entire body of workers and the emancipation of mankind; the Communist Party has
no other interests and aims. The Party must not be regarded as a narrow small
group like a guild which seeks only the personal interests of its members.
Whoever holds such a view is not a Communist.
A member of our Party is no longer just an
ordinary person. He is a conscious vanguard fighter of the working class. He
should prove himself a conscious living representative of the interests and
ideology of the working class. He should thoroughly merge his personal
interests and aims in the general interests and aims of the Party and the
working class.
A communist revolutionary has his personal
interests and the Party should neither eliminate his personality nor prevent
personal development, as long as these do not conflict with the interests of
the Party.
This is what is meant by the unconditional
subordination of the personal interest of a Party member to the interests of
the Party.
(i) People
who join the Communist Party come from different classes of society and bring
with them various habits which often clash with the basic tenets of
Marxism-Leninism. Because these people do not have a firm and clear cut
Communist outlook they very often waver and even desert the Party when they are
faced with danger or difficulties.
The Party must pay particular attention to the
education, steeling and self-cultivation of such comrades since without them,
they cannot develop to be true Communists. No Communist Party anywhere in the
world limits its membership only to those who have a thorough understanding of
Communism. The Party will admit any person who accepts the programme of the
Party and its Constitution. By serious study and hard work such comrades can
develop into excellent Communists ready to give their lives for the Party and
the Communist cause …. individualism and self interests in their work. In their
attitude and work they place their personal interests above the Party’s
interests, they worry about personal gains, they use the Party for their own
personal interests.
They always want special treatment, less work
and more pay. They avoid hard work and hardship; and will disappear at the
first signs of danger, and yet they will want to share the honours won by their
comrades for the Party through sacrifice and hard work.
Individualism frequently expresses itself in
unprincipled discussions and disputes, factional struggles and in sectarian
tendencies and in undermining Party discipline. A closely related mistake is
that of departmentalism, in which a comrade sees only partial interests, sees
only his part of the work instead of seeing the situation as a whole and of the
work of others. It often leads to obstruction and must be avoided.
(iii) Others
show conceit, individual heroism and like to show off. Liu Shao Chi says of
these people: -
The first consideration of people with such
ideas is their position in the Party. They like to show off, and want others to
flatter them and admire them. They have a personal ambition to become leaders.
They take advantage of their abilities and like to claim credit; to show off
themselves; to keep everything in their hands and they are intolerant. They are
full of vanity, do not want to keep their heads in hard work and are unwilling
to do technical work. They are haughty. When they have made some small
achievements they become very arrogant and domineering as if there were no one
else like them in the world.
They seek to overshadow others and cannot treat
others on equal terms, modestly and politely. They are self conceited and like
to lecture others, to instruct and boss others. They are always trying to climb
above others, and do not accept directions from others, do not learn modestly
from others and …….. from the masses, nor do they accept criticism from others.
They like to be “promoted” but cannot stand being “demoted”.
“They can only work in fair weather but not in
foul. They cannot bear attacks on injustices and are unable to adapt themselves
to circumstances. They are no great men capable of asserting themselves when
necessary or of keeping in the background when required. They have not yet got
rid of their deep-rooted “desire for fame” and they try to build themselves up
into “great men” and “heroes” in the Communist cause, and even have no scruples
in employing any means for the gratification of such desires. However, when
their aims cannot be achieved, when they …….. treatment from comrades in the
Party, there is a possible danger of their wavering. In the minds of such
persons there exists remnants of the ideology of the exploiting classes. They
do not understand the greatness of Communism, nor do they have the broad vision
of a Communist.
A Communist should have none of these
shortcomings. Whoever possesses such weaknesses does not understand Communism
and cannot rise to become as great as Lenin. In the Communist Party leaders
achieve success through mass support. Mass support is earned by those Party
members who have no personal interests as against those of the working class
and the Party who are completely loyal to the Party, who have a high degree of
Communist ethics and revolutionary qualities, who strive to master the theory
and methods of Marxism-Leninism, who have considerable practical ability, who
can actually direct Party work, who are not afraid of serious study and love
work, and who become heroes and leaders in the Communist revolution because of
the confidence and support they enjoy from the masses of the people.
The struggle to change the …….. world into a
Communist world cannot be carried out by one person however able he may be and
however hard he works. It can be carried out successfully only by the planned
and combined efforts of millions of people.
Some Party members are contemptuous of
technical work within the Party. Such an attitude is incorrect because
technical work forms an important part of Party work and because a Party member
should be ready and willing to do any work which is important to the Party
whether or no(t) he likes to do such work.
(iv) Other
comrades within the Party reflect the ideology of the exploiting classes. In
their Party work and in their relations with other Party members they behave
like landlords, capitalists, and fascists.
These persons seek to develop themselves by
holding down others. They are jealous of those who are more capable. They are
not prepared to work under other comrades or to take instructions. They
secretly rejoice when other comrades fail in their political tasks and in their
moral standards and conduct.
They indulge in gossip and spread false information
about their comrades. These are the characteristics of exploiting classes and
are …….. the working class and the Party. They should be fought and exposed
wherever they are found.
The working class is entirely different from
the exploiting class. It does not exploit others nor does its interests
conflict with those of the Party and other workers of exploited masses.
The outlook and thinking of the working class
are altogether different from those of the exploiting classes. In dealing with
the enemies of the people they are merciless and uncompromising, but in dealing
with their comrades they are always inspired by love and the desire to assist.
They are strict with themselves but lenient towards other comrades. They are
strict and firm on matters of principle and always adopt a frank and serious
attitude. This is the outlook of the working class and should be learnt and
developed by every Party member.
(v) Some
comrades still have bureaucratic tendencies. They like to run the Party by
issuing edicts and directives without …….. without taking into account the
views of other comrades. They resent criticism and are very harsh in dealing
with other comrades. Such weaknesses are unmarxist and every communist should
strive to overcome them completely.
Furthermore a Party member should be broad
minded and concern himself always with the overall situation when dealing with
problems. He should avoid pettiness and unprincipled discussion. He should have
…….. standpoint and not a fence sitter.
Although the Communist Party is the most
progressive of all political parties, and although it fights for a society
which guarantees happiness and prosperity to millions of people, not everything
in it is perfect. In spite of the fact that its members are the world’s most
conscious and progressive revolutionaries with the highest sense of morality
and righteousness, there are still defects in the Party and some of its members
do not measure up to the qualifications of a Communist revolutionary. The
explanation for this state of affairs lies in the fact that every Communist
Party member emerges out of the very society whose evils it seeks to remove.
Its members come from the various classes of that society and some of them
bring into the Party the habits, prejudices and outlook on life of the class
from which they came. It is precisely for this reason that Communist Party
members must undertake self-cultivation.
In addition to waging struggles against
counter-revolutionary forces, the Party must carry on inner-Party struggles
against those comrades who are still influenced by the outlook and prejudices
of the exploiting classes.
The working class is commonly referred to as
the proletariat. The working class can be divided into three groups:
(i) The
first group is composed of those who completely severed their ties with the
capitalist class years ago. This is the core of the working class and are the
most loyal and reliable.
(ii) The
second group consists of those who only recently came from the non-working
class, who came from the …….. the middle class and the …….. They are usually
anarchistic and ultra-left.
(iii) The
third group is composed of the working class aristocracy, those working class
members who are best provided for, who earn high wages and whose economic position
is comparatively high. They compromise easily with the enemies of the people,
with the capitalist class.
Every Party member should aim to be the most
loyal and reliable to the cause of Communism and to have a firm and clear-cut
working class outlook.
Some Party members have a pessimistic view on
things and they see errors, defects and a future beset with formidable
difficulties and dangers. The growing strength of the socialist camp, the power
influence exerted by our Party in our own country and the certainty of the
final victory of Communism over Capitalism inspire them with no hope in the
Others see only victory and progress, and fail
altogether to notice defects and errors in the Party. They become dizzy with
success, become blindly optimistic and become less vigilant.
Both views are un-marxist. A Communist Party
member knows that the Communist Party is the most progressive and most
revolutionary Party in the world. He has complete confidence in the future and
he dedicates his entire career to the cause of Communism. In spite of this
knowledge he realises most clearly that in our Party there are still various
kinds of errors, defects and undesirable things. A Party member clearly
understands the origin of these errors and the method to be used in removing
following are the various kinds of attitudes towards undesirable things in the
(i) To enjoy
seeing errors and defects in the Party and to magnify them to undermine the
Party. This is the attitude of spies and similar elements within the Party.
(ii) Some
people consider that the existence of errors and defects in the Party is to
their advantage and they deliberately help to spread them and to make use of
them. This is the attitude adopted by opportunists and similar elements within
the Party.
(iii) To leave these errors and defects
undisturbed instead of fighting against them. This is the course followed by
those members who have but a weak sense of duty towards the Party and who have
bureaucratic tendencies.
(iv) To
harbour violent hatred towards errors and defects and towards Party members
whose political outlook is incorrect. They believe in bitter struggles among
Party members and expel their comrades at the slightest pretext. This is the
method used by Party comrades who do not correctly understand the methods of
correcting mistakes and weakness amongst comrades.
All these attitudes are incorrect and dangerous and should be scrupulously avoided by Communists. Our own attitude is as follows: -
first analyse the situation most thoroughly and decide which views are correct
and which of them are incorrect and dangerous to the Party. Once we are
convinced of the correct opinion we firmly uphold it to the bitter end and no
matter how strong the opposition and how influential the individuals who hold
the opposite point of view.
(ii) Having carefully analysed the
situation and having decided which is the correct opinion, we then devote our
attention to the promotion and development of the correct viewpoint. We never
allow ourselves to be influenced by an incorrect point of view.
Communists are men of action. In promoting and developing the correct viewpoint
we also fight actively against all the undesirable things in life. A Party
member who is afraid of action and hard struggle, however brilliant he might
be, can never be a Communist revolutionary. A Communist must always and under
all circumstances, be ready and willing to conduct an active struggle against
all forms of reaction.
(iv) Although a Communist never
compromises on questions of principle, he never adopts an inflexible and
mechanical attitude in his methods of struggle. The aim is always to reform and
educate those comrades who still possess non-Communist tendencies.
(v) The
elimination of undesirable tendencies in the Party and the building up of
revolutionary qualities in our members enhances the discipline and prestige of
the Party. Those Party members who fail to respond to the most patient
persuasion and to efforts to educate and reform them, should be expelled from
the Party.
As indicated at the very beginning of this series, a Communist is a member of the Communist Party who understands and accepts the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism as expounded by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, and who subjects himself to the discipline of the Party. A good Communist is therefore one who:
(i) Is a
member of the Communist Party who is absolutely faithful and loyal to the
Party, who obeys without question all Party rules and regulations and who
carries out all instructions issued by the Party.
(ii) Has thoroughly studied the works of
Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, who understands them clearly and who knows how
to carry out their teachings in the struggles of the people to defeat
capitalism and all forms of exploitation.
Devotes all his time to one thing, and one thing only, the struggle against
Capitalism and for a Communist world.
(iv) In
their relations with Party comrades are always inspired by love and sincere
friendship and the desire to be helpful.
(v) Are
honest and upright and who are prepared to defend the truth at all times and
under all circumstances.
Such is a good Communist.
Materialism is the revolutionary philosophy of the Communist Party and the
working class.
Dialectical Materialism was founded by Marx and
Engels and is discussed and explained in the works of Lenin and other prominent
leaders of the Communist Movement.
It is a dialectical philosophy because it
studies things concretely and objectively and because its approach on all
things in nature is always based on data established through scientific
investigation and experience.
It is materialistic because it holds the view
that the world is by its very nature material and that the numerous things and
processes we see in the world constitute different forms of matter in motion.
In ancient times dialectics was the art of
arriving at the truth by disclosing the contradictions in the argument of an
opponent and solving these contradictions. This dialectical method of
establishing truth was later extended to the study of nature. Using the
dialectical method of study and investigation, mankind discovered that all
things in nature are always in motion and always changing, and that nature
develops as the result of contradictions in nature itself.
dialectical method has four main features:
(1) The
dialectical method considers that nothing can be understood taken by itself in
isolation from other things or from its surrounding circumstances. A thing must
always be studied and understood in relation to its environment or
(2) The
dialectical method considers everything as in a state of continuous movement
and change, of renewal and development, where something is always arising and
developing and something always falls into pieces or is dying away.
(3) The
dialectical method holds that the process of development should be understood
as an onward and upward movement, as a transition from an old qualitative state
to a new qualitative state, as a development from the simple to the complex,
from the lower to the higher.
(4) The
dialectical method holds that internal contradictions are inherent in all
things in nature. Everything has its positive and negative side, a past and
future. In nature there is always something dying away and something
developing. The struggle between the opposites, between the positive and the
negative, between the past and the future, between the old and the new, between
that which is dying away and that which is being born, is the sole reason for
development and change.
Historical materialism is the application of
the principles of dialectical materialism to the study of society and its
A Communist must strive to master completely
the principles of the dialectical method discussed above and use them as a
guide in his political work.
Dealing with the first proposition mentioned
above, the principle of considering things in relation to actual conditions and
circumstances and not apart from these actual circumstances, is always of vital
importance to a
Communist in deciding the simplest policy
questions. A Communist is useless to our movement if he deals with policy
questions in the abstract without taking into account the actual circumstances
in relation to which policy has to be implemented, without understanding that
the same policy can be right in one case and wrong in another depending on the
concrete circumstances of each case.
In their struggle against race discrimination
the oppressed people of South Africa have in the past followed a policy of
peace and non-violence. They still seek peaceful solutions and they will do everything
in their power to avoid violent strife and bloody revolution. But a blind and
mechanical application of this policy, irrespective of actual conditions and
circumstances can lead to defeat and disaster for our movement. In the past the
people were able to conduct successful non-violent struggles because
opportunities were available for peaceful agitation and struggle. But the
policy of the Nationalist Government, which forcibly suppresses the peaceful
struggles of the people, has created new conditions under which non-violent and
peaceful methods of struggle have become inadequate to advance the struggle of
the people and to defend their rights. Under these new conditions it is easy to
understand why the masses of the people are searching for a new formula of
political struggle which will enable them to hit back effectively and end the
violent and reactionary policies of the Government. Whilst in the past it was
correct to preach non-violence, under present conditions it is not correct to
go on stressing it as if nothing has changed. There is nothing sacred or
inherently superior about non-violent methods of struggle. So long as they are
effective weapons to fight for freedom and democracy, they must be employed
fully, but it would be wrong to persist with them mechanically once conditions
demand modifications.
The second proposition is equally important. If
the world is in a state of constant movement and development, if the dying away
of the old and the upgrowth of the new is a law of development, then it follows
that no system of society is permanent and everlasting. Just as primitive
communal society was replaced by slave society, and just as slave society was
replaced by feudalism, and feudalism by capitalism, so will capitalism be
replaced by socialism. This is what happened for instance, in Albania,
Bulgaria, China, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Rumania,
Russia and North Vietnam. In all these countries the capitalist system was
overthrown and replaced by socialism. In our own country capitalism cannot and
will not last indefinitely.
The people of South Africa, led by the S.A.C.P.
will destroy capitalist society and build in its place socialism where there
will be no exploitation of man by man, and where there will be no rich and
poor, no unemployment, starvation, disease and ignorance.
According to the third proposition of
dialectical method, the process of development should be understood as an
onward and upward movement, as a transition from the lower to the higher and
from the simple to the complex. Hence the transition from capitalism to
socialism and the liberation of the working class from the yoke cannot be
effected by slow changes or by reforms as reactionaries and liberals often
advise, but by revolution. One therefore, must be a revolutionary and not a
Finally, if development and change in things
take place by way of collision between opposite forces, then it is clear that
the struggle between workers and capitalists is natural and unavoidable. Hence
we must not try to preach peace and harmony between workers and capitalists. We
must stimulate and encourage class struggle. We must call upon workers to
conduct a ceaseless war against the capitalist class and for socialism.
philosophy of materialism as expounded by Marx is a way of explaining all questions,
and is irreconcilably opposed to idealism. Two examples are given to illustrate
the difference between the two methods of materialism and idealism, namely,
what causes thunderstorms and why are some people rich and others poor?
An idealist would answer by saying that
thunderstorms are due to the anger of God and that some people are rich and
others poor because God made them so. The materialist, on the other hand seeks
for an explanation of the natural forces and in the material and economic conditions
of normal life. To a materialist, thunderstorms are due solely to natural
forces and not to the anger of the Gods. He would explain that some people are
poor because they are compelled by material conditions to work for low wages
for the rest of their lives for the rich who own the means of production - the
land, its mineral resources and its forests, the banks, mills and factories,
transport and other systems of communication.
These differences have important practical
results. If we accept the idealist’s explanation of thunderstorms, and of why
some people are rich whilst others are poor, then there is nothing we can do
about the matter except to sit, arms folded and pray to God. If we accept the
materialist’s explanation, however, we will take precautions against
thunderstorms such as building lightning conductors. Instead of accepting our
poverty as the will of God, we will stand up and fight to put an end to a
system of society which condemns us to lifelong poverty and misery.
Materialism and idealism are irreconcilably opposed. Materialism teaches: -
(1) That the
world is by its very nature material. In other words the things we see in the
world are composed of matter.
(2) That
matter is something we can see with our naked eyes or by the aid of scientific
(3) That the
world and its laws are capable of being known. That although there are things
which are not yet known, such things will yet be known through scientific
investigation and experience.
Idealism is essentially a belief in
superstition, in the mysterious. It goes hand in hand with religion. It
prevents clear thinking and confuses people. For ages it has been used by the
exploiting classes to prevent the common people from thinking for themselves.
It is a philosophy of the ruling classes and not of the working class. It is
not the philosophy of people who fight for freedom. The philosophy of the
working class is dialectical materialism, the only philosophy which is based on
truth, and which is scientific and practical.
economy explains how men get their living.
It deals with the production and distribution
among human beings of food, clothing, shelter, fuel and other things essential
to human life.
An important feature about production is that it
is always in a state of change and development. Furthermore changes in the mode
of production inevitably result in changes in the whole system of society, in
the ideas of that society, in its political views and in its political
institutions. To put it simply, at different stages of development people lead
a different sort of life.
Five main modes of production and five main
types of society are known to history. These are primitive communal society,
slave society, feudal society, capitalist society and socialist society.
Under primitive communal society, men of the
village went out together to hunt for the animals, to fish and gather the fruit
that grew wild. The land and forests in which they hunted and picked up wild
fruits, the rivers in which they fished, belonged to the whole community and
not to any particular individual property and was shared equally by all. For
clothes they used the skins of the animals they killed, and for shelter they
used caves and rocks. Their tools consisted mainly of a hunting spear and trap
and of a fishing net.
This is how man produced food and shelter under
primitive communal society.
There were no classes. There were no rich or
poor, no exploitation of man by man, and all were equal before the law. The
affairs of the village were discussed publicly in a village council and all
members of that community could attend the meetings and take part fully in the
discussions. In times of war they killed their prisoners. They could not
enslave or exploit them because they had no food to feed them with. In those
days man could only produce enough food to feed himself and could not afford
The only division of labour that existed was
between the sexes. The men hunted wild animals and gathered wild fruits whilst
the women managed the house, looked after children and cooked the food.
This is the sort of life man led during
primitive communal ........ the earliest mode of production known in history.
In course of time some tribes developed new
means of producing food and this change in the method of producing food enabled
men to lead a different sort of life. They began to sow seed and rear cattle so
that they should have food ready at hand whenever they wanted it. Primitive
agriculture began to develop and there arose differentiation between the
tribes. Some still concentrated on hunting as the principal method of producing
food, but others became pastoral farmers. The latter could now produce more
than required for their personal needs. They became rich in cattle and began
accumulating wealth. Under these new conditions men captured in war were not
killed as in former days. Now they were needed to plough the lands of their
captors, to look after their wealth and to produce more wealth for the slave
The division of society into classes had begun.
The land and forests in which men used to hunt
in former times, and the rivers in which they fished no longer belonged to the
whole community but to the slave owners. The common and free labour of all
members of the tribe in the production process, which existed under primitive
communal society, had now disappeared; in its place there was now the forced
labour of the slaves who were exploited by their masters. There was no common
ownership of the means of production or of the fruits of production. Common
ownership was replaced by private ownership.
Rich and poor, exploiters and exploited, people
with full rights and people without rights, and a fierce class struggle - such
were the conditions under slave society.
The emergence of private property, of
contrasting extremes of enormous wealth on one side and dire poverty on the
other, and the class hostility that resulted, made it necessary for the slave
owners to build an instrument which they could use to protect their properties
and their wealth and to crush slave revolts by force. It was under these
circumstances that the exploiting classes created the army, the police force,
the courts and the prisons and made laws. These things put together are called
the State which is an instrument used by the exploiting classes to compel
others to give in to their will.
The State will last as long as class society
exists. Only under Communism will the State disappear. In primitive communal
society, order and discipline were maintained by tradition and custom and by
force of public opinion. It was not necessary to rely on an instrument of force
to suppress others. In exactly the same way, under Communism there will be no
State because mankind will have reached a high level of political and cultural
development and responsibility.
A significant development during slave society
was the emergence of commodity production. Articles produced not for the
personal use of the producer, but for exchange, are called commodities. This
was a development of tremendous importance and we will discuss it very fully
when we deal with capitalist society.
This was then the mode of primitive life under
slave society. The system of society had changed, the people led a different
way of life, new political ideas and new political institutions had arisen.
Feudal society developed out of slave society
and was essentially an agricultural mode of production.
There were two main classes in feudal society.
These were the Lords and the Serfs.
As in slave society, the means of production
were owned by the lord of the estate. The serf was in a slightly better
position than the slave because the lord did not have the power of life and
death over him, and also because the serf owned the tools he used to plough the
lands of his lord.
He was however, subject to cruel exploitation
and restrictions. He ploughed the land of his lord in return for a piece of
land which he was allowed to occupy at the pleasure of his lord, and out of
which he maintained himself and his family. The piece of ground where he lived
was given to him to encourage him to produce more food and more articles for
the enrichment of his lord, and he thus produced better results than the slave.
He was tied down to the land and could not leave without permission. He was in
a similar position to our own squatters commonly found on many white farms in
our country.
Under feudal society, food was grown and
clothes and other articles were made to cater for the local population but the
lords (or nobles as they were commonly referred to) used part of their wealth
to buy all sorts of luxuries for themselves. In the course of time trade and
transport developed and the desire for more wealth and luxuries increased.
The development of trade and transport led to
the growth of towns and their influence. It gave rise to new classes of society
and to new ideas. A new class of men who earned their living through trade and
commerce arose. These were the merchants.
Feudal society became an obstruction to the
expansion and growth of trade and commerce and the new ideas that were arising.
The new class that was rising to power came into conflict with that class that
held power. Feudal society was being challenged by the new social system of
capitalism. Only by revolution could the new forces that were arising be freed.
It was by revolution that the new forces challenged feudal society and replaced
it with capitalism. It was also by revolution that the working class in many parts
of the world replaced capitalism with the higher and democratic system of
We have now seen that five main types of
society are known to history. Primitive Communal Society, Slave Society,
Feudalism and Socialism. New forms of society grew out gradually from the other
society and in some cases different forms existed side by side. For example, in
slave society there were traces of primitive communal society, whilst traces of
slave society existed within feudal society. In our own capitalist South Africa
there are still Africans, and to a lesser extent Coloureds, who live and work
on white farms under conditions remarkably similar to those of feudal society
of the Middle Ages. In other parts of the world we see Socialist societies, and
societies in transition to Socialism.
We live in a capitalist country and the chief
task of our Party is to destroy Capitalism and replace it with Socialism.
Capitalism is to us a …….. of …….. great imbalance. It is for this reason that
we devote the greater part of this lecture to a study of this system.
has three essential features.
(1) Wealth
is concentrated in the hands of a few people who own the means of production as
well as wealth in the form of money. The few people who own the means of
production are called capitalists.
(2) The vast
masses of the people earn their living by working for capitalists in return for
wages. In Marxist language these working people are called the proletariat.
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